Art, Not Apart
Art, Not Apart is a yearly cultural festival held in Canberra. Major works were undertaken to bring their website up to speed. This mainly involved cleaning up an outdated site architecture and extensive Drupal theme modification.
The site had been built upon a pre-bought ‘photographic portfolio’ theme. As such, the required infrastructure to support multiple years worth of complex data did not exist. A new data architecture was planned and implemented to support the client’s needs.
Upgrades were made to the Content Management System. Design, templating and front-end development were also undertaken to improve the look and functionality. The site is very heavy on images so adaptive image hosting selects the right-sized image to serve for different screens.
When a content editor adds an image, it is first validated by file size to safeguard against bloating the server space with huge files. Once upload is complete, the image is automatically adjusted by the CMS to the correct file format, aspect ratio and pixel dimension for display.
Safeguards such as these are critical when creating a Content Managment System for a web site that relies heavily on images.
The website performed successfully as an information hub for the festival and can now be re-used for years to come.
Visit the Art, Not Apart Website.